The terms and conditions of access to Earth observation imagery and data (that is the data policy) are not uniform. While the members of the United Nations signed up to a set of principles on remote sensing from space in 1986, these principles give only general guidance to the detailed terms and conditions of Earth observation imagery and data access. Each nation and organisations tends to implement data policy in its own way. We can advise on the ways in which Earth observation technologies and imagery may be affected by many different forms of data policy issues, under commercial, governmental, and Public Private Partnership Schemes.
We can assess and provide recommendations on many wide-ranging issues, which we have detailed experience with, including:
- Ownership and intellectual property rights
- Licenses and licencing
- Pricing policies
- Security and data standards
- Data storage, archiving policies and databases
- Use in combination with other data
- Purchasing programmes (to receive buyer discounts) and policies on collaborative purchasing
- Inserting evidential presumptions into legislation.